It was only in the last couple of months of my maternity leave that I found All You Read is Love, a super cool café in Leyonstone that has everything I could ask for: cocktails, wine, coffee, teas, cakes, biscuits, sandwiches and even books, if I’m that way inclined.
We go there often now. Sometimes for a tea or a coffee, sometimes for a cocktail or a beer. Rafael loves the little play area at the back, with Lego and children’s books. And it’s on the way to his nursery (a total coincidence…).
I bought an English copy of José Saramago’s “The Gospel According to Jesus Christ” for Nicklas there once — one of my two favourite books and one of my two favourite authors.
Our fingers are crossed for more places like this to open in Leytonstone and in Leyton, but in the meantime, we have everything we need over on the side of the train tracks.