I rarely miss a Vintage Furniture Flea in Bethnal Green. They happen about every 3 months and you pay £2 to get in (£3 if you want to get in half an hour earlier, which I always do).
I thought I was going to miss one last year, which was only a couple of days after my son’s due date, but he was 6 weeks early, so we managed to not miss it and he’s been coming with us since he was super tiny.
Lately we haven’t purchased anything (apart from delicious cake), but we’ve found some great gems before — cheap and beautiful — and always arrive with a mental wishlist of things we want/need. Arriving early means we have time to quickly go around the hall once or twice and spot any interesting stuff before the crowds arrive — and it can get very busy.
The next one is on the 6th of September, and you can check other dates and locations on their site. I’ll be there!