I’ve been looking for a new place to live for the last couple of weeks. I like the prospect of a new adventure somewhere new, but the actual process of looking comprises so many things that I tend to avoid… it’s nerve-wrecking.
It’s time-consuming, you have to be prepared to be rejected and to say no, you have to make uninformed choices based on the first impressions, you have to budget and think about money. Afterward, you have to adapt to a new setting, you have to change your habits, you have to get used to new people.
It’s stressful, at least for me. Evenings lost on Gumtree, scrutinising every ad, and then, going around London hoping to find the perfect place.
I have picked my favourite. They haven’t picked me yet though. We’ll see what happens.
3 replies on “Looking for a home”
Yaili, fortunately I have not yet had to go through this, but I can imagine that it’s quite stressful and nerve wrecking. Hopeyou find the perfect place soon. Good luck
I perfectly know what you mean. I had to look for a place to live twice last year (first for a room, then for my own place), and now I’m thinking of doing it again this summer because I feel like I’m paying too much. And it’s always a gamble, not only because of all the work it entails (searching for a place, moving, etc), but because after a month or so you start finding out the bad things about the place where you moved into and start thinking “yeah, I should’ve stayed put”.
that is an awesome house 😀 can I live there? xD