When I go to Portugal, I find it funny that there aren’t these little things floating around in my cup of tea. I guess people get used to the strangest things, right?
One of the things I like most about London are the dogs. They all look so cool and nice.
I like especially that brown dog that sits every morning outside the McDonald’s near the Hampstead Tube Station. He seems to be the nicest of them all, and he even wears a little jacket when it’s raining (to be honest, I think any Londoner dog has its own closet full of clothes; probably with more pieces than I do).
I went from being the person that drank the more tea in the office to probably being the one that drinks the least.
While I was working in Faro, in 2 years I guess all the others may have had 10 to 20 cups.
Whereas now, everybody seems happy to get up and make everybody else a steaming hot cup of tea.
I like the fact that nobody assumes I’ll have sugar with it (which I don’t) and it’s funny that the word “tea” is associated with “milk” even if it has nothing to do with it.
One of the things I like at the office is the music. I’ve always worked better at the sound of music.